Consulting Services

Competitive Intelligence

Go beyond technical comparisons and understand the strategies and tactics your competitors are employing.

Competitive Intelligence


Every company needs to under its competition. For many companies, they fall into the mistake of performing a simple competitive analysis – which Neuralytix defines as a “spec sheet comparison.” Understanding your competitors requires competitive intelligence. We help you every step of the way.

  • Improve your odds of success against your competitors by creating a repeatable process.
  • Understand how your competitors go to market so you can outcompete your competitors time and time again.
  • Scale your competitive intelligence as your company grows.
  • Create multiple strategies based on different segmentations including the geographies where your competitors focus, the way they go to market, the customer size where they are having better success, and many more.
  • Improve the close rate by improving the efficiency of your sales team by identifying the opportunities with the best likelihood of closing.

How We Can Help

End User Advisory Service

With so many options available to end-users, it is difficult to cut through the noise. Neuralytix helps end-users understand the technologies that are most applicable to them.

Global Market Expansion

Today, every company is a global company. We help our Clients to enter new global markets with our extensive local and regional knowledge of different markets worldwide.

Go-to-Market Strategies

A successful go-to-market (GTM) strategy is critical. We help our clients create scalable and sustainable strategies.

Messaging and Positioning

Standing out in saturated markets is difficult. Our proven methodologies help define who you are and why your customers should buy from you.

Sales Enablement Services

Messaging, positioning, content, and collateral are important. Helping sales teams understand how to articulate the message, find the right prospects, and use the content and collateral results in higher win rates.

Startup Advisory

We help startups become market leaders. Many of our clients have gone on to be successful multi-billion dollar publicly listed companies.